Fork 1

Add, commit, and push automatically. A commit message is generated based on the diff if not provided. An automatic scheduling for commits and push is possible.

Add interactive commit message #5

opened 5 months ago by xdssio Β· 0 comments

Instead of openai, or a fully customize -> have a default title and manual only description.

  • Adjust potential options for llm too.

ge save|share -i



{"", "", Custom"},
	{"πŸŽ‰", ":tada:", "Initial commit"},
	{"✨", ":sparkles:", "Introduce new features"},
	{"πŸ›", ":bug:", "Fix a bug"},
	{"πŸ”₯", ":fire:", "Remove code or files"},
	{"πŸš‘", ":ambulance:", "Critical hotfix"},
	{"πŸ“", ":memo:", "Add or update documentation"},
	{"⚑️", ":zap:", "Improve performance"},
	{"πŸ”’", ":lock:", "Fix security issues"},
	{"πŸ”–", ":bookmark:", "Release / Version tags"},
	{"πŸš€", ":rocket:", "Deploy stuff"},
	{"πŸ’„", ":lipstick:", "Add or update the UI and style files"},
	{"🎨", ":art:", "Improve structure / format of the code"},
	{"🚧", ":construction:", "Work in progress"},
	{"πŸ’š", ":green_heart:", "Fix CI Build"},
	{"⬇️", ":arrow_down:", "Downgrade dependencies"},
	{"⬆️", ":arrow_up:", "Upgrade dependencies"},
	{"πŸ“Œ", ":pushpin:", "Pin dependencies to specific versions"},
	{"♻️", ":recycle:", "Refactor code"},
	{"βž–", ":heavy_minus_sign:", "Remove a dependency"},
	{"βž•", ":heavy_plus_sign:", "Add a dependency"},
	{"🐧", ":penguin:", "Fix something on Linux"},
	{"🍎", ":apple:", "Fix something on macOS"},
	{"🏁", ":checkered_flag:", "Fix something on Windows"},
	{"πŸ€–", ":robot:", "Fix something on Android"},
	{"🍏", ":green_apple:", "Fix something on iOS"},
	{"πŸ”§", ":wrench:", "Add or update configuration files"},
	{"🌐", ":globe_with_meridians:", "Internationalization and localization"},
	{"✏️", ":pencil2:", "Fix typos"},
	{"πŸ’©", ":poop:", "Write bad code that needs to be improved"},
	{"βͺ", ":rewind:", "Revert changes"},
	{"πŸ”€", ":twisted_rightwards_arrows:", "Merge branches"},
	{"πŸ“¦", ":package:", "Add or update compiled files or packages"},
	{"πŸ‘½", ":alien:", "Update code due to external API changes"},
	{"🚚", ":truck:", "Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes)"},
	{"πŸ“„", ":page_facing_up:", "Add or update license"},
	{"πŸ’₯", ":boom:", "Introduce breaking changes"},
	{"🍱", ":bento:", "Add or update assets"},
	{"♿️", ":wheelchair:", "Improve accessibility"},
	{"πŸ’‘", ":bulb:", "Add or update comments in source code"},
	{"🍻", ":beers:", "Write code drunkenly"},
	{"πŸ’¬", ":speech_balloon:", "Add or update text and literals"},
	{"πŸ—ƒ", ":card_file_box:", "Perform database related changes"},
	{"πŸ”Š", ":loud_sound:", "Add or update logs"},
	{"πŸ”‡", ":mute:", "Remove logs"},
	{"πŸ‘₯", ":busts_in_silhouette:", "Add or update contributor(s)"},
	{"🚸", ":children_crossing:", "Improve user experience / usability"},
	{"πŸ—", ":building_construction:", "Make architectural changes"},
	{"πŸ“±", ":iphone:", "Work on responsive design"},
	{"🀑", ":clown_face:", "Mock things"},
	{"πŸ₯š", ":egg:", "Add or update an easter egg"},
	{"πŸ™ˆ", ":see_no_evil:", "Add or update a .gitignore file"},
	{"πŸ“Έ", ":camera_flash:", "Add or update snapshots"},
	{"βš—", ":alembic:", "Experiment new things"},
	{"πŸ”", ":mag:", "Improve SEO"},
	{"🏷", ":label:", "Add or update types (Flow, TypeScript)"},
	{"🌱", ":seedling:", "Add or update seed files"},
	{"🚩", ":triangular_flag_on_post:", "Add, update, or remove feature flags"},
	{"πŸ₯…", ":goal_net:", "Catch errors"},
	{"πŸ’«", ":dizzy:", "Add or update animations and transitions"},
	{"πŸ—‘", ":wastebasket:", "Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up"},
	{"πŸ›‚", ":passport_control:", "Work on code related to authorization"},
	{"🩹", ":adhesive_bandage:", "Simple fix for a non-critical issue"},
	{"πŸ”–", ":bookmark_tabs:", "Release / Version tags"},
	{"πŸ‘·", ":construction_worker:", "Add or update CI build system"},
	{"πŸ’Έ", ":moneybag:", "Add or update financial, legal, or business documentation"},
	{"🦺", ":safety_vest:", "Add or update security"},
	{"πŸ“ˆ", ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", "Add or update analytics or track code"},
Instead of openai, or a fully customize -> have a default title and manual only description. * Adjust potential options for llm too. `ge save|share -i` ## Titles [Reference](https://github.com/julien040/gut/blob/83bd2e3ab2da71091eb8bae4097f2e70fa9525b9/src/controller/save.go#L32) ``` {"", "", Custom"}, {"πŸŽ‰", ":tada:", "Initial commit"}, {"✨", ":sparkles:", "Introduce new features"}, {"πŸ›", ":bug:", "Fix a bug"}, {"πŸ”₯", ":fire:", "Remove code or files"}, {"πŸš‘", ":ambulance:", "Critical hotfix"}, {"πŸ“", ":memo:", "Add or update documentation"}, {"⚑️", ":zap:", "Improve performance"}, {"πŸ”’", ":lock:", "Fix security issues"}, {"πŸ”–", ":bookmark:", "Release / Version tags"}, {"πŸš€", ":rocket:", "Deploy stuff"}, {"πŸ’„", ":lipstick:", "Add or update the UI and style files"}, {"🎨", ":art:", "Improve structure / format of the code"}, {"🚧", ":construction:", "Work in progress"}, {"πŸ’š", ":green_heart:", "Fix CI Build"}, {"⬇️", ":arrow_down:", "Downgrade dependencies"}, {"⬆️", ":arrow_up:", "Upgrade dependencies"}, {"πŸ“Œ", ":pushpin:", "Pin dependencies to specific versions"}, {"♻️", ":recycle:", "Refactor code"}, {"βž–", ":heavy_minus_sign:", "Remove a dependency"}, {"βž•", ":heavy_plus_sign:", "Add a dependency"}, {"🐧", ":penguin:", "Fix something on Linux"}, {"🍎", ":apple:", "Fix something on macOS"}, {"🏁", ":checkered_flag:", "Fix something on Windows"}, {"πŸ€–", ":robot:", "Fix something on Android"}, {"🍏", ":green_apple:", "Fix something on iOS"}, {"πŸ”§", ":wrench:", "Add or update configuration files"}, {"🌐", ":globe_with_meridians:", "Internationalization and localization"}, {"✏️", ":pencil2:", "Fix typos"}, {"πŸ’©", ":poop:", "Write bad code that needs to be improved"}, {"βͺ", ":rewind:", "Revert changes"}, {"πŸ”€", ":twisted_rightwards_arrows:", "Merge branches"}, {"πŸ“¦", ":package:", "Add or update compiled files or packages"}, {"πŸ‘½", ":alien:", "Update code due to external API changes"}, {"🚚", ":truck:", "Move or rename resources (e.g.: files, paths, routes)"}, {"πŸ“„", ":page_facing_up:", "Add or update license"}, {"πŸ’₯", ":boom:", "Introduce breaking changes"}, {"🍱", ":bento:", "Add or update assets"}, {"♿️", ":wheelchair:", "Improve accessibility"}, {"πŸ’‘", ":bulb:", "Add or update comments in source code"}, {"🍻", ":beers:", "Write code drunkenly"}, {"πŸ’¬", ":speech_balloon:", "Add or update text and literals"}, {"πŸ—ƒ", ":card_file_box:", "Perform database related changes"}, {"πŸ”Š", ":loud_sound:", "Add or update logs"}, {"πŸ”‡", ":mute:", "Remove logs"}, {"πŸ‘₯", ":busts_in_silhouette:", "Add or update contributor(s)"}, {"🚸", ":children_crossing:", "Improve user experience / usability"}, {"πŸ—", ":building_construction:", "Make architectural changes"}, {"πŸ“±", ":iphone:", "Work on responsive design"}, {"🀑", ":clown_face:", "Mock things"}, {"πŸ₯š", ":egg:", "Add or update an easter egg"}, {"πŸ™ˆ", ":see_no_evil:", "Add or update a .gitignore file"}, {"πŸ“Έ", ":camera_flash:", "Add or update snapshots"}, {"βš—", ":alembic:", "Experiment new things"}, {"πŸ”", ":mag:", "Improve SEO"}, {"🏷", ":label:", "Add or update types (Flow, TypeScript)"}, {"🌱", ":seedling:", "Add or update seed files"}, {"🚩", ":triangular_flag_on_post:", "Add, update, or remove feature flags"}, {"πŸ₯…", ":goal_net:", "Catch errors"}, {"πŸ’«", ":dizzy:", "Add or update animations and transitions"}, {"πŸ—‘", ":wastebasket:", "Deprecate code that needs to be cleaned up"}, {"πŸ›‚", ":passport_control:", "Work on code related to authorization"}, {"🩹", ":adhesive_bandage:", "Simple fix for a non-critical issue"}, {"πŸ”–", ":bookmark_tabs:", "Release / Version tags"}, {"πŸ‘·", ":construction_worker:", "Add or update CI build system"}, {"πŸ’Έ", ":moneybag:", "Add or update financial, legal, or business documentation"}, {"🦺", ":safety_vest:", "Add or update security"}, {"πŸ“ˆ", ":chart_with_upwards_trend:", "Add or update analytics or track code"}, ```
xdssio self-assigned this 5 months ago
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Reference: xdssio/gitease#5
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