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Performance Evaluation for working with large binary files with history


Benchmark for binary data collaboration

File List Total items: 7
Name Last Commit Size Last Modified
data/alab Initial Design & first checkin of data (#1) 2 years ago
docs Data from 3 LFS commits around the globe (#2) 2 years ago
operations/pulumi Data from 3 Xet pushes from across the globe (#4) 2 years ago
.gitattributes Initial commit 79 B 2 years ago
.gitignore Data from 3 LFS commits around the globe (#2) 12 B 2 years ago
LICENSE.md Initial Design & first checkin of data (#1) 1.0 KiB 2 years ago
README.md Initial Design & first checkin of data (#1) 39 B 2 years ago


Performance Evaluation for working with large binary files with history

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Commits 5 commits


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