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Install Xet

If you've already installed and logged in via our Install Guide, go ahead and skip to our hands-on example.

The Xet installer adds natural support for managing large files via Git, Python, and the Xet CLI. Once installed, XetHub will manage all files in the repository, storing all binary files and files over 256KB on XetHub servers to take advantage of our efficient storage structure. Once installed, all normal Git commands will work as expected without any extra commands or storage setup.

A XetHub account is required for pushing changes to a repository or accessing private repositories. Create an account, login, and refresh this page before running the following installation and authentication steps.

Run our one-line installer from your terminal to download and authenticate with HTTPS:


Prefer working with SSH? Standard Git SSH authentication is also supported. If you are comfortable with configuring SSH keys, generate a SSH keypair and add the public key to your XetHub account.