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An app to visually summarize any CSV data files stored in the data folder.


Data Summarizer

Interactively visualize and summarize data stored in CSVs in your XetHub account. Click on Capsules tab above to see the demo. Or, simply duplicate this repository and add your own CSVs to the data folder. Deploy the capsule with one click and start understanding your data.


Try it for yourself

Navigate to the Capsules tab. Select a demo dataset, and then choose fields and plots of interest. Interact with the summary report to better understand the data. Check it out.

Data sources

Any CSV file stored in the Data folder will automatically appear in the dropdown to select your data source.

Select fields

The capsule will split the fields in to discrete fields (strings, booleans, etc.) and numeric fields. All fields are added by default. Remove any field you don't want to visualize.

Choose Plots

Simply select the data visualizations you would like in your summary. The options are:

  • Describe fields
  • Table
  • Nulls
  • Outliers
  • Top values
  • Histograms
  • Boxplots
  • Pairplot (aka Scatterplot Matrix)

Your summary will update live as you toggle fields and plots.

Make it your own

Want to have an easily way to visualize and summarize your own data? Or customize the visualizations and report that is generated? Duplicate Data Summarizer to use it as a starting point.

Add your own data

Simply add CSVs to the data folder, and they will automatically show up in the capsule.

Customize the report

The capsule is running a Streamlit app defined in app.py. Use this as a starting point to create a report for your data.


Let us know what you think of this repository. What's missing or needs improvement? File an issues or reach out directly to share your thoughts. Thanks for being part of our community!

Betsy Notes

This is a test

File List Total items: 7
Name Last Commit Size Last Modified
data added betsy animals 3 months ago
.gitattributes Initial commit 79 B 9 months ago
.gitignore Add streamlit-elements and base dashboard 22 B 8 months ago
.python-version Setup venv and install pyxet, streamlit and pandas 21 B 8 months ago
app.py Show table -> table 7.6 KiB 8 months ago
readme.md betsy added Betsy Notes 2.1 KiB 3 months ago
requirements.txt Update requirements needed 1.2 KiB 8 months ago


An app to visually summarize any CSV data files stored in the data folder.

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Commits 22 commits

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