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A template repository for my data science and machine learning projects when they are hosted here on XetHub


Template for Python Projects

This repository is as a template for starting Python projects. It includes a basic structure for organizing the things like code, data, and notebooks, as well as a configuration file for managing the dependencies using Poetry.

I made it mainly for my personal and professional machine learning data science projects, but feel free to use it as a starting point for your own projects if you find it useful.

Installing Poetry

We use Poetry for managing the dependencies and virtual environment for the project. To get started, you need to install Poetry on your machine. We can install Poetry by running the following command in the command line using pip.

pip install poetry

When the installation is finished, run the following command in the shell in the root folder of this repository to install the dependencies, and create a virtual environment for the project.

poetry install

After that, enter the Poetry environment by invoking the poetry shell command.

poetry shell

Folder Structure

The repository has the following structure:

  • bin/: scripts and executables for command line use
  • data/: data files and datasets
  • src/: source code files
  • notebooks/: Jupyter notebooks files
  • models/: trained models and model files
  • tests/: test files for the source code
  • pyproject.toml: project metadata and dependencies
  • LICENSE: license information
  • README.md: project information and instructions


Files in this repository are licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

File List Total items: 12
Name Last Commit Size Last Modified
bin My initial commit 5 months ago
data My initial commit 5 months ago
models Reorganized the files and folders 4 months ago
notebooks Reorganized the files and folders 4 months ago
src My initial commit 5 months ago
tests My initial commit 5 months ago
.editorconfig Updated a few files to make the template more useful and easier to get started using it 441 B 3 months ago
.gitattributes Initial commit 79 B 5 months ago
.gitignore Updated a few files to make the template more useful and easier to get started using it 916 B 3 months ago
LICENSE Updated a few files to make the template more useful and easier to get started using it 1.0 KiB 3 months ago
README.md Updated a few files to make the template more useful and easier to get started using it 1.6 KiB 3 months ago
pyproject.toml Updated a few files to make the template more useful and easier to get started using it 448 B 3 months ago


A template repository for my data science and machine learning projects when they are hosted here on XetHub

Repository Size

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Commits 4 commits

File Types