Leveraging Your Own Documents in a Langchain Pipeline

This project highlights how to leverage a ChromaDB vectorstore in a Langchain pipeline to create drumroll please a GPT Investment Banker (ergh, I cringed as I wrote that, but alas it's actually pretty practical). You can load in a pdf based document and use it alongside an LLM without the need for fine tuning.

See it live and in action 📺


Startup 🚀

  1. Create a virtual environment python -m venv langchainenv
  2. Activate it:
    • Windows:.\langchainenv\Scripts\activate
    • Mac: source langchain/bin/activate
  3. Clone this repo git clone
  4. Go into the directory cd LangchainDocuments
  5. Install the required dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Add your OpenAI APIKey to line 22 of
  7. Start the app streamlit run
  8. Go back to my YouTube channel and like and subscribe 😉 seriously...please! lol

Other References 🔗

The main LG Agent used:Langchain VectorStore Agents

Who, When, Why?

👨🏾‍💻 Author: Nick Renotte
📅 Version: 1.?
📜 License: This project is licensed under the MIT License

File List Total items: 5
Name Last Commit Size Last Modified
.gitattributes Initial commit 79 B 1 year ago Adding the files 1.4 KiB 1 year ago
annualreport.pdf Adding the files 12 MiB 1 year ago Updated the chromadb directory 2.1 KiB 1 year ago
requirements.txt Adding the files 2.3 KiB 1 year ago

Repository Size

Loading repo size...

Commits 3 commits

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